A Questionnaire on Hepatitis B

A Questionnaire on Hepatitis B

A Questionnaire on Hepatitis B

  • I have Hepatitis B, am I at higher risk of getting infected with covid 19?

No, there is no such evidence that confirms that people with Hepatitis B are at higher risk of getting transmitted of covid 19 virus. Please follow the government guidelines to stop the spread and keep yourself and others safe.

  • I have Hepatitis B, am I at higher risk of serious illness from covid-19?

No, there is no such evidence present that confirms having hep B increases the risk of acute illness from the covid 19 virus. Hep B is not a legitimate health condition that may come up with more acute disease with covid 19.

  • Should I continue taking my Hepatitis B medication during this time?

Yes, absolutely. Please take your Hep B medication as prescribed by doctors. It is crucial to keep taking prescribed Hep B medications as the virus is more likely to enter your body, and later it would be hard to keep it under control.

  • I have Hepatitis B, so do I need to take extra precautions I need to take against COVID-19?

As a collective society, it is our responsibility to take necessary precautions to stop the spread of covid 19, whether we are infected with Hep B or not.  It would be best if you take extra precautions from covid-19 in case you have:

  • An additional Health condition (hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease such as asthma, bronchitis, etc.).
  • If you are over 70.
  • Have a weakened immune system.
  • I am running out of Hepatitis B medication, but I’m worried about going to the pharmacy. Can I take it less frequently or wait until this is over?

No, it would be best if you keep taking your Hep B medications unless your doctor instructs you to stop taking them. Taking Hep B medications would halt the virus control in your body, and you will remain healthy. Pharmacies are an essential service and will remain open. 

You can call your nearest pharmacy and check if they deliver or help make your visit safe and quick. You can also reach out to company helpline numbers to enquire regarding the availability of particular medicines. 

Dr. G.S. Lamba

Chief of Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Interventional Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Medical Gastroenterology, Liver Cirrhosis, Acute Liver Failure, Institute of Gastrosciences

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Dr. G.S. Lamba

Chief of Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Tag : Hepatitis B