Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute is a specialized department dedicated to providing a wide range of surgical procedures aimed at restoring form and function to various parts of the body. This department combines advanced surgical techniques with artistic skills to address congenital anomalies, traumatic injuries, and aesthetic concerns. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including:

  • Microsurgical Instruments: For delicate procedures involving small blood vessels and nerves.
  • 3D Imaging: Utilized for surgical planning in complex cases.
  • Laser Technology: Used for various procedures, including scar revision and skin resurfacing.

The plastic and Reconstructive Surgery team often collaborates with other departments like Oncology, Orthopedics, and Neurosurgery for comprehensive care in cases of complex reconstructions.
The team at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute emphasizes personalized care, ensuring that each patient's unique needs and expectations are met. They provide thorough consultations, discuss treatment options, and develop customized treatment plans.

Diseases treated by our Experts

  • Congenital hand anomalies: These refer to structural differences or abnormalities present at birth, affecting the formation or function of a child's hand. These conditions can range from mild variations in finger appearance to more complex abnormalities involving bones, joints, and soft tissues. Each case is unique, and treatment options depend on the specific anomaly and its impact on hand function.
  • Brachial plexus: These injuries are a group of nerve injuries that occur in the network of nerves located in the neck and shoulder. These nerves, known as the brachial plexus, control movement and sensation in the shoulder, arm, and hand. Injuries to this area can result in varying degrees of weakness or paralysis in the affected limb.
  • Lymphedema: It is a chronic condition characterized by the accumulation of excess lymphatic fluid in the tissues, leading to swelling, typically in the arms or legs. This occurs when the lymphatic system, responsible for draining fluid from tissues and returning it to the bloodstream, is compromised or damaged.
  • Vascular malformations: These are abnormal formations of blood vessels, often present at birth, but they can also develop later in life. These malformations involve arteries, veins, capillaries, or lymphatic vessels, and they can occur anywhere in the body.
  • Abdominal wall reconstruction: It is a surgical procedure performed to repair and restore the integrity and function of the abdominal wall. This procedure is typically necessary in cases where the abdominal wall has been weakened or damaged, often as a result of surgery, trauma, infection, or other medical conditions.

Key procedures performed by our Experts

  • Facial cosmetic surgery: Also known as facial plastic surgery, involves surgical procedures designed to enhance or rejuvenate the appearance of the face. These procedures can address various concerns, such as signs of aging, facial asymmetry, congenital anomalies, and aesthetic enhancements.
  • Hair restoration: Also known as hair transplant surgery, is a surgical procedure aimed at addressing hair loss and baldness. It involves transferring hair follicles from areas of abundant hair growth (donor site) to areas where hair is thinning or absent (recipient site). This procedure is commonly used to treat male pattern baldness, but it can also benefit individuals with other types of hair loss.
  • Breast surgery: It encompasses a range of surgical procedures performed on the breasts for various medical and cosmetic reasons. These procedures aim to address conditions like breast cancer, congenital anomalies, and aesthetic concerns.
  • Genital surgery: Also known as genital reconstruction surgery (GRS) or gender-affirming surgery, encompasses a range of surgical procedures designed to align an individual's physical appearance with their gender identity. These procedures are crucial for transgender and non-binary individuals to feel comfortable and authentic in their bodies.
  • Maxillofacial surgery: Also known as oral and maxillofacial surgery, is a specialized field of surgery that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the head, face, jaw, and neck. This encompasses a wide range of surgical procedures, both reconstructive and cosmetic, to address various medical and aesthetic concerns.

Call 011-42888888 to book an appointment with a specialist at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute.

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Disease & Treatment

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Cosmetic Surgery

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Reconstructive Surgery

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Craniofacial Surgery

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Aesthetic Surgery

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Maxillofacial Surgery

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Congenital Hand Anomalies

Congenital hand anomalies can significantly impact hand function and appearance. Our specialists offer expert surgical procedures and therapies to improve hand functionality and appearance in individuals with congenital hand conditions.

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Microtia is a congenital deformity of the external ear. Our reconstructive surgeons provide ear reconstruction options, including autologous ear reconstruction using rib cartilage, to restore a more natural ear appearance.

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Craniosynostosis is a condition in which the bones of an infant's skull prematurely fuse. Our team offers surgical correction to allow normal brain development and head shape.

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Facial Paralysis

Facial paralysis can affect facial expression and function. Our plastic and reconstructive surgeons offer surgical and non-surgical treatments, including nerve grafts and muscle transfers, to restore facial movement.

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Lymphedema is a condition involving swelling due to impaired lymphatic drainage. Our specialists provide comprehensive lymphedema management, including manual lymphatic drainage and compression therapy.

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Pressure Sores

Pressure sores, or bedsores, can lead to skin breakdown and tissue damage. Our team offers wound care, surgical interventions, and support to manage and prevent pressure sores.

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Vascular Malformations

Vascular malformations can cause disfigurement and functional issues. Our experts perform minimally invasive and surgical treatments, such as embolization and sclerotherapy, to address vascular malformations effectively.

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Abdominal Wall Reconstruction

Abdominal wall reconstruction is often needed after surgery or due to abdominal wall weakness. Our reconstructive surgeons provide surgical solutions, including abdominal wall reconstruction with synthetic or biological mesh.

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Ptosis is drooping of the upper eyelid. Our plastic surgeons offer surgical procedures, such as blepharoplasty or eyelid ptosis repair, to correct ptosis and improve vision and appearance.

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Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Our skilled plastic surgeons provide a range of facial cosmetic surgeries, including facelifts, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, and more, to enhance your facial features and boost your confidence.

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Hair Restoration

We offer hair restoration procedures to address hair loss and promote natural hair regrowth.

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Liposuction is available to remove excess fat from various areas of the body, helping you achieve a more sculpted and contoured appearance.

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Buttock Augmentation

For those looking to enhance the shape and size of their buttocks, we provide buttock augmentation procedures, including fat transfer and implant placement.

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Skin Cancer Reconstruction

Our plastic and reconstructive surgeons specialize in skin cancer reconstruction to restore the appearance and function of the affected area after skin cancer removal.

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Breast Reduction

We offer breast reduction surgery to alleviate discomfort and improve the overall appearance of the breasts for those with larger, disproportionately sized breasts.

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Breast Augmentation

Our breast augmentation procedures are designed to enhance breast size and shape using implants, providing a more balanced and youthful appearance.

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Gynecomastia (Male Breast)

We provide treatment for gynecomastia, a condition that causes the development of excess breast tissue in men, offering a more masculine chest appearance.

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Breast Cancer Reconstruction

For breast cancer survivors, our reconstructive surgeries help restore the appearance and self-esteem of patients who have undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy.

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Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Shishir Agrawal

Unit Head & Sr. Consultant

Cosmetic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery, Craniofacial Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Book an Appointment 011-42888888 View Profile

Dr. Shishir Agrawal

Unit Head & Sr. Consultant

Dr. Sunita Kaushik

Sr. Consultant

Breast Specialty Clinic, Cosmetic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery, Craniofacial Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Breast Clinic

Book an Appointment 011-42888888 View Profile

Dr. Sunita Kaushik

Sr. Consultant

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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is a specialized branch of medicine focused on restoring, reconstructing, or altering the appearance and function of the body. It encompasses both cosmetic procedures (for aesthetic enhancement) and reconstructive procedures (to repair or restore function after injury or surgery).

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery covers a wide range of procedures, including breast reconstruction after mastectomy, cleft lip and palate repair, hand surgery, scar revision, burn reconstruction, cosmetic surgery (like facelifts, breast augmentation, and liposuction), and more.

Individuals who have experienced trauma, congenital deformities, cancer-related surgeries, or those seeking cosmetic enhancement may benefit from plastic and reconstructive surgery. It is also utilized for medical conditions like skin cancer removal or post-bariatric surgery body contouring.

During a plastic surgery consultation, you will discuss your medical history, specific goals, and expectations. The surgeon will conduct a thorough examination and explain the proposed procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes. They will also address any questions or concerns you may have.

The recovery process after plastic surgery varies depending on the type and complexity of the procedure. Some surgeries may have relatively short recovery periods, while others may require more extended post-operative care and follow-up appointments. It's important to follow the surgeon's post-operative instructions for optimal healing.
