Child Asthma, Allergy & Chest Clinic

The Child Asthma, Allergy & Chest Clinic is a specialized healthcare facility dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of respiratory conditions in children. This clinic addresses a range of respiratory issues, including asthma, allergies, and chest disorders, ensuring that young patients receive comprehensive and personalized care. Through advanced diagnostic tools, evidence-based treatments, and specialized expertise, this clinic plays a pivotal role in providing children with the tools they need to breathe freely and lead active, healthy lives. 

Common Conditions Treated By The Department

  • Asthma: A chronic condition characterized by inflamed airways, leading to recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing.
  • Allergic Rhinitis: Also known as hay fever, this condition is marked by nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, and itchy or watery eyes, often triggered by allergens like pollen or pet dander.
  • Bronchitis: Inflammation of the bronchial tubes, leading to coughing, chest discomfort, and production of mucus.
  • Pneumonia: An infection in the lungs, which can cause symptoms like fever, cough, rapid breathing, and chest pain.
  • Recurrent Chest Infections: Frequent bouts of respiratory infections, which may be indicative of underlying respiratory conditions or weakened immune function.
  • Wheezing Disorders: Conditions that lead to a high-pitched whistling sound when breathing, often associated with narrowed airways.

Common Procedures

  • Allergy Testing:
  1. Skin Prick Tests: Small amounts of allergens are applied to the skin, and the skin is pricked to see if an allergic reaction occurs. This helps identify allergens triggering allergic reactions.
  2. Patch Testing: Patch tests are used to diagnose contact dermatitis or skin allergies by applying allergens to patches placed on the skin for an extended period.
  3. Blood Tests: Blood tests, such as specific IgE tests, measure allergen-specific antibodies in the blood to identify allergens that may be causing allergic reactions.
  • Lung Function Testing:
  1. Spirometry: Children are asked to breathe into a machine that measures lung function, helping diagnose and monitor asthma and assess its severity.
  2. Peak Flow Monitoring: Children with asthma may use a peak flow meter to monitor their lung function at home and adjust their treatment accordingly.
  • Bronchoprovocation Tests:
  1. Methacholine Challenge Test: This test assesses airway responsiveness by measuring how the airways react to inhaled methacholine, which can help diagnose asthma.
  2. Exercise Challenge Test: Evaluating how exercise affects a child's lung function can aid in diagnosing exercise-induced bronchoconstriction or asthma.
  • Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) Test:
  1. This non-invasive test measures the amount of nitric oxide in the breath, which can help assess airway inflammation and asthma control.
  • Nasal Endoscopy:
  1. A flexible or rigid endoscope is used to examine the nasal passages and throat to diagnose conditions like allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, or nasal polyps.
  • Food Allergy Testing:
  1. Oral Food Challenges: Controlled introduction of suspected allergenic foods under medical supervision to diagnose or rule out food allergies.
  2. Elimination Diets: A diet that eliminates suspected food allergens is followed, and then foods are gradually reintroduced to identify triggers.
  • Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT):
  1. Comprehensive pulmonary function tests assess lung function in detail, which can be especially helpful for diagnosing and managing asthma and other lung conditions.
  • Immunotherapy (Allergy Shots):
  1. Allergy shots are a long-term treatment option for allergies. A series of injections containing small amounts of allergens are administered to desensitize the child's immune system to specific allergens over time.

Key Advantages

  • Improved Quality of Life: By effectively managing respiratory conditions, children can lead active, normal lives without the limitations imposed by their condition.
  • Reduced Hospitalizations: Specialized care can lead to a reduction in hospital admissions, as children experience fewer severe exacerbations of their respiratory conditions.
  • Empowered Families: Through education and guidance, families become better equipped to manage their child's respiratory condition, improving their confidence and reducing anxiety.
  • Early Intervention: Timely diagnosis and treatment in the clinic can prevent the progression of respiratory conditions and potential complications.
  • Prevention of Long-term Complications: Early and specialized care can mitigate the risk of long-term complications associated with untreated respiratory conditions.

Call 011-42888888 to book an appointment with a specialist at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute.

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Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Jasmeet Kaur Wadhwa

Sr. Consultant

Child Asthma, Allergy & Chest Clinic, Pediatric

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Dr. Jasmeet Kaur Wadhwa

Sr. Consultant

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