The Bliss of Being A New Mom

The most exhilarating feeling of womanhood is becoming a Mother

21st Sep, 2023

Cholelithiasis: A Common With Dreaded Complications

Most patients want to avoid surgery despite of being symptomatic and keep consulting Homeopaths, Ayurveda, Unani, physicians, and family physicians without relief from the cholelithiasis. We know that there is no medicine which can treat cholelithiasis. The tall claims made by pharmaceutical companies are ridiculous. The medicines have to be taken over long periods […]

17th Jun, 2022

Know About Your Joint And Bone Health

Q. How can we keep our Bones and Joints Healthy?A. Two most important things that help in preserving our Joints are Regular exercises and maintaining a healthy weight. Regular exercises keep the bones strong and muscle toned, which in turn prevent injuries and improve function of joints. In addition a balanced and nutritious diet rich […]

29th Mar, 2022


Breast milk is the greatest newborn nourishment and an irreplaceable gift from our moms. This nature’s gift from our mother includes all kinds of antibodies that help to enhance immunity and beneficial enzymes that scientists are still unable to recreate. Breastfeeding gives a variety of distinct benefits for a developing infant, including the right combination […]

7th Aug, 2021

A Questionnaire on Hepatitis B

A Questionnaire on Hepatitis B I have Hepatitis B, am I at higher risk of getting infected with covid 19? No, there is no such evidence that confirms that people with Hepatitis B are at higher risk of getting transmitted of covid 19 virus. Please follow the government guidelines to stop the spread and keep […]

20th Jul, 2021

UV Lights and it’s implications for Human Beings

UV light has certain implications for human beings, which are worth knowing for all. It forms a spectrum of electromagnetic waves whose wavelength is just less than the visible violet light. Wavelength of visible light is 400 to 700 nm; for violet it is around 400 and for red it is 700 nm. ultraviolet light […]

13th Jul, 2021

Pre Conception Counseling; major rationales of a woman’s life.

Pre Conception Counselling (PCC) Pregnancy is one of the major rationales of a woman’s life. But these days due to unhealthy diet plans and consumption patterns especially junk food has completely transformed our bodies and has made it more vulnerable to diseases, also deteriorating our body’s capacity to assimilate vital nutrients and adding harmful nutrients […]

3rd Mar, 2021

International Women’s Day Special

Women are the creators of the entire human race but still they are looked upon with contempt and misogyny, judged at every aspect and get constant advice for improvement . A woman’s life in contained in the fact of expectancy of being a good daughter, a good wife, a good daughter-in-law, a good mother and […]

3rd Mar, 2021

Tips for healthy pregnancy

A woman enters the phase of motherhood through pregnancy. To be more precise a carefree, chirpy girl instantly transforms into a woman when she comes to know about the baby who has just started developing inside of her and the feeling is unfathomable. It is such a beautiful experience when you see those two little […]

20th Feb, 2021